Become a Member
and experience the difference.
Edmonton’s Premier Inclusive Auto Shop Community!
Become a member of Oraizen
Here’s your chance to get even more from Oraizen Automotive. Become a member of our community.
We have 3 levels to choose from that offer exceptional value and exclusive perks depending on your budget.
The only rule we have for joining our membership program is that you share our vision and values.
What we stand for
To create a car community that comes together, shares the passion, feels at home, enjoys the facility & events while supporting precious charities
Inclusive, honest, welcoming and fun!
Silver Membership
Valid for all our active clients
Open to all existing Oraizen Automotive customers.
Customer just need to sign-up at Shop Office to begin their membership.
Racing simulator access during business hours.
Lounge access during business hours
Access to Calendar with:
- Oraizen Annual BBQ Party
- Racing Simulator Competition
- Cars & Coffee Meets
- Shop Events
Free Oraizen car decal
Gold Membership
Valid for 12-months
Limited to 40 Members.
Customer must sign-up at Shop Office to begin their membership.
10% Discount on all shop services
Everything in SILVER plus:
Urgent after-hours mechanic*
Access to Oraizen shower and laundry service
Priority Invite to Weekend Cruises
Gold+ Member events
Complimentary Annual :
- Professional vehicle photoshoot
- Inspection
- Exterior wash & Interior Clean
- Seasonal tire swap
- Wheel alignment
- Pre-purchase inspection
Free Oraizen car decal
Free Oraizen carbon-fibre License plate holder
$1100 if paid annually
(save $100)
Platinum Membership
Valid for 12-months
Limited to 10 Members.
Customer must sign-up at Shop Office to begin their membership.
10% Discount on all shop services
Everything in SILVER & GOLD plus:
Free access to our Annual Track Day
Gold+ Member events
Complimentary Annual :
- Complimentary Annual Vehicle service*
- Vehicle pick-up and drop-off
- Interior & Exterior car detailing package
- Vehicle storage
* Up to $750
$2750 if paid annually
(save $250)
Become a member
Join one of our membership programs today. Give our shop a call to sign up.
Join our community and eliminate FOMO
Our email newsletter is the best place to get a heads up from us. We will let you know when we are hosting our next event, promotion, cruise night or contest.